School Meals
At Underwood West Academy we have a three week rolling menu provided by Mellors. School dinners are priced at £2.70 per day/£13.50 for the week or your child may wish to bring their own packed lunch from home.
Universal free school meals means that every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is entitled to a free school meal each school day.
Parents do need to book their childs meal at least a day in advance through our Parentpay app. You can see our menus on there and choose one of the three daily options for you child.
Children in Years 3 to 6 need to pay for their school meal, although some families may be entitled to free school meals.
Click here to.Apply for Free School Meals.
Income based Free School Meals can also mean that you receive a voucher for food from the government during school holidays.
All meals must be paid in advance via ParentPay.
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