British Values
Fundamental British values underpin our curriculum and school ethos.
We believe in the importance of providing opportunities for children to learn from our world and develop respect for others beliefs, feelings and faiths.
We encourage exploration, discussion, challenge and inspire children to learn more!
Through our weekly Picture News Assemblies, children are provided with content and stimulus that is current and worldwide and is always something on which they can impact and fell passionately about. Our assemblies provide opportunity for children to engage in open discussion and debate.
We aim to nurture, guide and support our children to become kind, safe, responsible and tolerant adults who will make a positive contribution to Britain and the wider world.
As well as our curriculum and assemblies, we actively promote British values in the following ways.
Children put themselves forward to be their class School Councillor and this role is determined by a class ballot vote.
Pupil questionnaires and pupil voice gives pupils opportunities to share their values on a wide range of subjects.
Pupils can be asked to be as involved in the recruitment of new staff.
Pupils can vote on school dinners and clubs.
Rule of the Law
Our system for behaviour is aligned to an agreed Pupil Code of Conduct summarised by our school rules.
Pupils know that these need to be embedded in order for them to learn in a safe, calm and ordered environment.
School's link with wider authorities are strong with regular visits form the Police and Fire Service.
Individual Liberty
In our safe environment, we encourage our pupils to make choices.
In EYFS, pupils choose their learning tasks within the continuous provision and make choices when outside around equipment to play on and with. The adults that support them encourage them to take risks and challenge themselves in their child initiated play.
In Key Stage 1 and 2, children can sign up for clubs, join residentials and choose to learn to play a musical instrument.
Older pupils can choose to take on extra responsibility such as Lunchtime Monitors, Librarians and Cultural Ambassadors.
Freedom of Speech is regularly modelled through classroom practice.
We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour; making the right choice.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
An acceptance and understanding of other cultures is a huge part of our school ethos.
Through our No Outsiders curriculum we teach pupils why tolerance is so important and we expect this reflects in pupils behaviour and attitudes. Our curriculum promotes respect for differences.
Staff and pupils are encouraged to challenge inappropriate prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. As a result of the strength of our ethos such incidents are rare; the school community understands we operate on a zero tolerance policy on any behaviour not inline with our ethos.
Our Cultural Ambassadors embody this British value and empower others through their work as such positive role models.