Promoting British Values

Promoting British Values at Underwood West Academy

 The Government are keen for every school to actively promote the fundamental British Values. These values are:

  1. Democracy - respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process.
  2. The rule of law - respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in England.  
                            - support for equality of opportunity.
  3. Individual liberty - support and respect for the liberties of all within the law.
  1. Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs - respect for and tolerance of different faiths and religions and other beliefs.

At Underwood West Academy we promote all of the above aspects through the following systems:



  • School Council are elected by the children and have a voice in decision making.
  • The School is working towards accreditation to Investors In Pupils status which has the emphasis on the need to promote the children’s voice in the running of the school.
  • Our creative curriculum and weekly Secrets of Success focus statements encourage all aspects of respect for Democracy and the Democratic process.
  • Individual children are elected to posts of responsibility such as Class Monitors, Environmental Officers , Road Safety Officers or Play Leaders.
  • As a school that focuses on restorative justice, our children are given the opportunity to be heard.

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The rule of law

  • Our Mission Statement reflects the principles of respecting the rule of law as...
  • Children are taught to understand the principles of rules which enable a community, like a school, to work well. This may be supported by our Community Police Officers.
  • Children are aware of the impact of not following the rules - the consequences, the expectations and the boundaries in which they work in their school community.
  • The children learn to understand the difference between right and wrong in all aspects of school life, throughout the day.
  • There is an opportunity for children to put right what has been done wrong, wherever possible.
  • As they mature children are given opportunity to understand aspects of civil and criminal law and discuss how this might be different from some religious laws.

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Individual liberty

  • Children are encouraged to give their opinion and to share their ideas with due regard for the feelings of others.
  • The curriculum we offer allows all individuals to ‘take part‘ and be involved in the activity - that includes trips or visits out of school and residential visits which involve overnight stays away from home.
  • We use our PSHE programmes of study and aspects of Social and Emotional learning to help children to feel safe within their school and to know who to go to if they are worried or need help.
  • We celebrate achievements in assemblies or through certificates or postcards home to parents. Children are encouraged to be proud of their achievements in school or outside of school.
  • The children have access to Learning Mentor support across each Key Stage which help them be confident that they can access support in a confidential and supportive way.
  • The school encourages children to take responsibility for their behaviour and to challenge stereotypes as well as develop an anti-bullying culture.
  • Our House system encourages positive contributions to school life through rewarding individual’s behaviour, effort, successes and accomplishments.

 Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • Our Creative Curriculum sometimes has RE as a main driver, through this the study of Christianity and different religions has a high priority in our school.
  •  If not related to the Creative Curriculum we follow the Cheshire Agreed Syllabus.
  •  Our learning environment has RE displays promoting  themes that have been taught.
  •  The study of different religions , accompanied by visits to different places of worship in our area, allows our children to understand the wider aspects of faiths and there differing or similar customs and practices.
  •  Our children are encouraged to be aware of their link to their local community in Crewe, the wider community link and Britain as a country, as well as the global understanding of the world around them.
  •  Through the study of different religions there is an opportunity to ‘reflect’ upon the impact of that faith to those who believe in it and to those who do not.
  •  Children are given an opportunity to develop critical personal thinking skills which will challenge prejudice and discriminatory behaviour.
  • Throughout school life the children are encouraged to discuss the differences between people such as their faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality. They also explore differences in family life such as looked after children or young carers and different kinds of family units.



Newcastle Street, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 3LF

Please direct your enquiries to

Mel JamesBursar

01270 260580