Year 3
Year 3
In Year Three the children will continue to build upon their knowledge and skills by:
- Playing and performing in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency and expression - This will be developed by singing in two parts and performing rounds. The children will accompany songs with repeated patterns using their voices and tuned percussion. They will perform rhythmic patterns and create a wide range of vocal sounds to incorporate into songs.
- Improvising and composing music for a range of purposes using the interrelated dimensions of music - pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations – This will be developed through selecting sounds to accompany poems and choosing different timbres to accompany music. The children will make choices when developing their own songs, and when improvising rhythmic patterns. They will explore accompaniments using beats and rhythms and will use a score to begin to combine sounds.
- Listening with attention to detail and recalling sounds with increasing aural memory – The children will identify sequences of sounds in music and will describe patterns in pitch. They will explore musical phrases and rounds.
- Using and understanding staff and other musical notations -This will be developed through reading musical scores. The children will read simple rhythm notations and will use pitch notations. They will create and perform from a simple score and will read graphic notation to play a melody.
- Appreciating and understanding a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians – The children will learn about how sounds are produced and how music is organised. They will learn songs from other cultures and will understand the pentatonic scale.
- Developing an understanding of the history of music – The children will listen to and learn about music from the past. They will listen to medieval music and will learn about, play and dance to Tudor music. They will also learn about Ancient instruments.